About Us

Our Mission

For years I've had this small business dream in mind to create products that could help share the gospel & bring a positive message in a fashionable way.  Finally was able to put the dream into action in 2022! One thing that was always in our heart was how sometimes we aren't able to speak to everyone that crosses our path, but our clothes can speak for us and make an impact! 

The bible commands us as believers in Christ to go out into the world and proclaim the gospel to every creature; Mark 16:15. We are called to be Ambassadors for Christ; 2 Corinthians 5:20. For this reason, our hope and prayer is that by you wearing our products, you get to sow the seed of God's Grace and Love through the messages displayed on any T-Shirt, Sweater, or our future products! 

We have had the ability to also give back to the Missionary Field and donate a portion of our earnings on a regular basis to help support those who bring the gospel to people who are often forgotten and live in the not so nice places of the world. 

We truly appreciate you for supporting our business.


With love

Denise Bernal
